Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Using ModelBuilder to Import Patterns

Patterns can be imported into the model from external tables using ModelBuilder. This is a two step process:

  1. Description of the pattern
  2. Import tabular data

In general, the steps of the import are the same as described in the ModelBuilder documentation. The only steps unique to patterns are described below. All the fields except the Key/Label fields are optional.

The source data files can be any type of tabular data including spreadsheets and data base tables.

Alphanumeric fields such as those which describe the month or day of the week must be spelled exactly as used in the model (e.g. January not Jan, Saturday not Sat).

The list of model attributes which can be imported are given below:

  • Label
  • MONTH [January, February, etc]
  • Day [Sunday, Monday, etc]
  • Pattern category type (Label) [Hydraulic, Reservoir, etc]
  • Pattern format (Label) [Stepwise - Continuous]
  • Start time
  • Starting multiplier

The month and day are the actual month or day of week, not the word "MONTH". Labels must be spelled correctly.

To import patterns, start ModelBuilder, create a new set of instructions, pick the file type, browse to the data file and pick the tables in that file to be imported. Checking the Show Preview button enables you to view the data before importing.

Then proceed to the Field Mapping step of ModelBuilder to set up the mappings for the Pattern in the Pattern Table Type. Fields refers to the name in the source table, Attributes refers to the name in the model.

And the actual Pattern Curve in the Pattern Curve table type.

The tables below show the pattern definition data and the pattern curve for two stepwise curves labeled Commercial and Residential. These data must be stored in two different tables although they may be and ideally should be in the same file.)

One of the resulting patterns from this import is shown below: